Missionary Colleen Nahnychuk

April 23, 2023



November 26,  Update

I apologize for the blog being outdated. Internet was a huge issue that has finally been remedied. I have recently arrived in
Canada to visit and share and will be contacting churches. This first month is some time to see family and recharge.
Over the last few years I was largely involved with youth and women’s ministries. The work in these areas varied from bible studies, the Covenant Affirmations and our Identity as Covenant believers, English, healthy cooking, teaching and organizing at events including being one of the directors of Acts29 Discipleship school that was held in Chile and Argentina. The ministry continues to evolve and grow and I am excited to return home to Bariloche, Argentina early in the new year.
Blessings to you all!


April 2, 2020 –  Prayer Letter Update

April 2020…… 632 days since I left Nelson, British Columbia. So much has happened during this time. Ministry continued to evolve and grow. Argentina received two Short Term Mission Groups from the USA – Olympia WA and Chicago IL. What a wonderful blessing it was to support and participate with each group. The churches in Argentina have continued to learn more about what it means to be Covenant; how to apply BLESS, how to improve how they manage, administration and finances of the individual churches as well as the national church. There has been English and lattes; budgeting workshops, workshops about faith and surrender; new ministry working with Acts29. I was also able to participate in CIPE in October. A Latin America Mid Winter. Pastors and leaders from all over Central and South America, meeting to share about ministry, working together to further the kingdom, encouraging one another. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to visit the Chilean Churches due to the uprising there; but did have the opportunity to connect with so many between the CIPE and Acts29 work. My own ministry expanded with more involvement with the Youth, both here and in Chile; Women’s ministry; English ministry; and serving as one of the directors of Acts29. And I am also hosting a ‘future missionary’ – Lisa, who is in Argentina for a 10 month Global Immersion program. God has continued to guide, lead and care for Argentina, for the churches, and for myself.

We are currently in the middle of a mandatory, country wide quarantine. This has recently been extended until April 12th. We are not permitted to leave our homes other than to get food or go to doctor. The police controls have been ramping up so we are being careful about this; and taking the precautions very serious. As an introvert; this forced, quiet time with God is welcomed and enjoyed; but for the Argentine culture, it is very strange to see social distancing. WhatsApp has become even more important here to remain connected. Although I do admit I am going a bit stir crazy not being able to go for hikes or drives.

Prayers are many during this time. Prayers especially for calmness, peace and hope in the midst of the worry and concerns. Prayers for those affected directly by the virus and for those still working and providing essential services. Prayers for the economy, for those unable to work because of the lockdown. Prayers for the church to not only care for their members, but also their neighbours. Prayers for pastors and leaders to be able to know the steps to take; how to serve well during this time; how to rest in God’s presence and refill personally.

Personally, this has been a year of confirmation, change, direction, and even some answers. I am committed, no… compelled… long term to serve our Father, here, at home, in Argentina. I continue to learn who Colleen is in Christ; apart from who I was with Max. I continue to learn, discover and experience, new ministry opportunities – opportunities that are my own; not just ministry that was supposed to be ours. I am thankful for receiving my DNI, temporary residency finally in January!!! Now to begin the renewal process. I have my own vehicle, in my name. Prayers include discernment for how to be the hands and feet of Christ during this time of lockdown. Prayers for Acts29 ministry and my involvement. Prayers for visiting Canada and USA and what that now looks like. Prayers also for learning my new limits and to be able to rest and recharge even in the middle of feeling fulfilled while serving and loving on others. Praise and prayers for the hope that I have in my heart. In spite of everything going on, there is hope; that I will not let the enemy take away.

On a side note – internet and access to email has been extremely limited for me; so WhatsApp really is my method of staying connected with all of you.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. I am not alone. We are not alone. Thank you for being a part of my life and God’s ministry. Thank you for the opportunities to pray for you.

Grande abrazos desde Argentina!

Colleen Nahnychuk
Canadian Covenant Missionary serving in Argentina



Who Are We And What Has Happened?

Originally, my husband Max and I were called, individually yet at the same time, to missions in the middle of Patagonia, Argentina and we embarked on this journey together. However, in September 2017 the look of this changed when Max suddenly passed away. The months that have followed have been the most difficult of my life, but God has confirmed for me His calling on my life.  I remain completely surrendered to His will and through my grieving and healing process am seeking to faithfully follow where the Lord leads.*

We are Max and Colleen Nahnychuk from British Columbia, Canada. We lived in the Kootenay region of BC for 17 years after moving from our hometown of North Vancouver BC.   After moving to the Kootenays, we participated in planting a new church and have been involved in various church leadership positions since 2004. We were happy to join with the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada; we continue to be impressed by the affirmations and missional focus.

We are new missionaries with Serve Globally (ECC’s Mission Priority). We will be partnering with the Iglesia del Pacto Evangélico Argentina, which consists of several Covenant Churches. We are committed to serve there “to join in God’s mission to make more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world.” Each church has its own outreach and community development projects. We eagerly look forward to walking alongside the Argentine Conference and Churches in the areas of Developing Leaders, Make and Deepen Disciples and Church Vitality.

What will we be doing in Argentina?

The primary backdrop of our mission, will be working under the direction of the President of the IPEA utilizing the Covenant’s Pathway to Vitality, available in both Spanish and English, as well as other ECC materials from the US and other Latin America countries. We will be serving as support for the pastors by assisting with developing stronger congregations through leader development and discipleship training. We will dovetail our efforts with quarterly general meetings where courses will be introduced and taught. Afterwards, our time will be divided between the six churches, participating in workshops and advancing the subjects with local context.

Secondly, every one of the six churches has their own specific ministry in which we have been asked to serve. This represents a full range of opportunities including:

  • evangelism in hospitals, care facilities, schools and in the street
  • children’s ministry
  • outreach to victims of drug, alcohol and domestic abuse
  • community development
  • agriculture development
  • church planting
  • and of course there’s always some sort of construction

The list continues to grow; it’s already quite an extensive task we will be stepping into. Currently, we are the only Covenant Missionaries in the Southern Cone. One thing we learned about Latin America is that things don’t move fast but they can change fast so you have to be flexible and adaptable and very patient.

Thirdly, we will be forwarding information to Serve Globally and Merge about how they can come along side the churches to serve them in the most holistic and practical way possible. We’d be ecstatic if some of the objectives just mentioned line up with your local vision; inspiring a partnership with a church in Argentina.

Fourth but not last, we have a vision of hosting any individual, couple or family that wants to join us in service and cultural immersion in Argentina.

I love to stay connected and share what God is doing in and through everyone!

Connect with Colleen through her Newsletter Updates and Prayer Updates  !
Connect with Colleen on Facebook !
Email:  colleen.nahnychuk@covchurch.org
Intro Video for Churches

Mailing Address:
c/o Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO BOX 23117
RPO McGillivary
Winnipeg, MB  R3T 5S3

How can you Partner with us?

Prayer is first and foremost the most important! Remember, prayer goes both ways,- so please let me know how I can be encouraging and praying for you. Sign up for Prayer and Praise Updates!

Current Praise and Prayer items:

Praise and Thanksgiving for how God has been moving and working in the past months

Praise for the sale and of the house and property and a HUGE Thank You to all who jumped in to help with all that needed to be done

Prayer for God’s strength, His will and guidance as I navigate the grieving process while moving into missions

For Spanish studies here in Canada and for language studies in Argentina

For the process of partnering and raising funds for a two year budget – Praise for the commitments that have already come in!

Prayers for God’s timing, which is looking like June 2018,  and God’s will moving forward and for all the little details that arise from each new door that is opened

Prayer for Argentina as they prepare and are waiting to walk this journey with me; not just in ministry but in life

Sign up for Newsletters and Updates !

Financial Support:

I know I can’t do this on my own and need your willingness to join with.

If you are in Canada:

By Cheque: Made payable to the ECCC and write ‘Global-Argentina‘ in the memo

Evangelical Covenant Church – PO Box 23117, RPO McGillivray, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5S3

By e-transfer to donate@covchurch.ca and include ‘Global-Argentina‘ in message

Online through CanadaHelps by visiting covchurch.ca/nahnychuk and selecting the ‘Global-Argentina‘ fund

If you are in the USA:

By Cheque: Made payable to the ECC and write ‘Colleen Nahnychuk Support’ in the memo

Evangelical Covenant Church – 8303 West Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631

Online or with EFT by visiting covchurch.org/mission/cnahnychuk

And of course, you can fill in a Pledge Form!